Enjoy A Complete And Healthy-Looking Smile With Full And Partial Dentures

Losing your natural teeth can significantly impact your oral function and self-confidence. Olde Town Dentistry in Conyers, GA, proudly offers full and partial dentures as a non-invasive and affordable solution to replace missing teeth.

What are dentures?

Dentures are custom-made dental prosthetics designed to mimic your natural teeth and gums closely and can be either full or partial, depending on your specific needs. Dentures are crafted from high-quality materials and can be a reliable and effective solution for restoring your smile.

How are dentures placed?

Full dentures, also called complete dentures, can help replace all the missing teeth in either the upper or lower arch. Our experienced dentist will first evaluate whether any remaining teeth need to be removed before taking precise measurements and impressions of your mouth. Once your gums have healed, the dentures will be secured in place with suction or a dental adhesive.

If some natural teeth remain, partial dentures can be an option to restore your smile. These partial dentures consist of a gum-colored base with artificial teeth attached. They are held in place by plastic or metal clasps that are attached to the adjacent natural teeth.

What are the advantages of dentures?

Dentures provide a natural-looking smile that can enhance your physical appearance and boost your self-esteem. With dentures, individuals chew and speak correctly, allowing them to pronounce words more clearly and enjoy a diverse range of foods. They can also help support facial muscles and prevent that saggy appearance common with missing teeth. Dentures can last many years with diligent care and regular dental visits, allowing you to enjoy a more fulfilling and comfortable lifestyle.

Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive denture services. We’re here to answer your questions and concerns so you can start your journey to a complete and healthy-looking smile.

Contact Olde Town Dentistry About Full & Partial Dentures Today!

  • Preserve gum and bone structure
  • Replace one or more missing teeth
  • Evenly distribute bite forces among your teeth
  • Enjoy all the foods you love again
  • Boost your self-confidence!